Thursday, December 22, 2011

Here we go!

Having kept a journal for some time I have recently begun looking at some of the entries from years past.  One of the reasons for keeping a journal after all is not just to record events but to keep yourself on track.  To collect the important thoughts and ideas that will become the fabric of  your life.  So there I was re-collecting some of those thoughts when a new thought came to mind.  Some of this stuff is pretty good!  Like something you might read in a book.  I bet there are a lot of people that would be interested in this.  Maybe as many as - who knows? - half-dozen.

So here I am posting the first entry to a blog I designed myself (Could ya tell?)from templates provided for me by this host.  Now I really don't know a lot about blogging.  I read one once.  And I remember years ago how much I enjoyed reading a newspaper column by Sydney Harris.  Most of the time it was the only reason I picked up the newspaper.  Remember newspapers?  Anyway, I thought a blog would be just that sort of the thing.  Plus, if I understand correctly, people can make comments and such.  What a great idea; hope you do.  But mostly I hope to provide a little cerebral diversion to your day.  A little something to read at breakfast after you've read the cereal box and there's still cereal in the bowl.  Maybe an excuse to linger over another cup of coffee before heading out to whatever you feel compelled to do today.  And wouldn't it be great if you found a little something to occupy your thoughts at work while you're screwing those caps on the toothpaste tubes?

But then I had to ask myself; how often will I post something?  Once a week seemed like a nice number.  But I've always had a problem with commitments so we'll see.  There's nothing takes the fun out of something like "having" to do it.  So if you see a steady flow of blogs you know I'm still having fun.  And if you think too much time has gone by since the last one, just go ahead, make some comment.


Josef said...

Hmmm... "Cerebral", must it be so premeditated?

I'll leave a few lines behind but they will not so sophisticated as a box of Post Toasties.

Instead, I'll tell you of a dream where I'm falling from Heaven like a stone, deeply impacting the Earth's fragile surface with the deafening roar of rubble collapsing upon me like sand sinking my form into the darkness of the deep.

In the next frame I'm without oxygen flooding slowly into the body of the deep as water becomes my new abode, ever darkening as I descend with no hope of resurfacing...

When all hope seems gone, still conscious a Strong hand grasps my own pulling me swiftly up from the deep, splashing me through the surface I gasp for first breath as I realize my salvation was not accidental or happen-stance but a deliberate action for reasons I can't conceive but I believe and accept it as I slowly revive and give thanks.

My heart is tattooed on my sleeve.

My peace was given to me.

Nice blog Heets, thanks fr the invite.

John... said...

Having never kept or entered anything in a journal to keep track of progress, or anything else, blogging seems strangely appealing. It is likely due to not knowing where any one conversation may lead. Of course the "unknown" always seems inconsequential until I'm in over my head. Then of course, its back to the beginning where one realizes that ignorance is bliss. I suppose the key to starting over is the feeling you get when you start anything.... "nothing can stop me now." Do you remember 18? I vividly remember 18, 26, and 34. Starting over is something most of us dread because it means you must climb to the top AGAIN. Some of us have to learn things the "hard way" and will not make the same mistakes twice while others continue to go around and around making all the same mistakes over and over again.

My dream is of the future...where it will take me...the journey...who I'll share it all with...and most of all...THE RIDE!!!